Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bock Tasting, Take Two.

Well, unfortunately a week of sitting in warmer conditions did nothing to bring the yeast back to carbonating my Bock. I was holding out hope that the little cold snap that the bottles went through wasn’t enough to kill all of the yeast, but it looks that way. Oh well, it still tastes pretty true to style and that’s pretty cool to me, it just is flat. It will still get drank either way.

Well, on with the review. This is the initial pour. I was pouring it roughly right into the center of the glass to try and generate as much head as possible, but this is the result I got.

Now you can see that there is a little head that forms, but in comparison if you poured another properly carbonated beer into a glass like this it would foam out the top before you got to the top.


The head quickly dissipates, but the aroma is still there. I can smell some a hint of roasted malt and the faint aroma of hops that seem slightly spicy. The color is beautiful, it is a nice light brown with almost perfect clarity. It has slight copper/red highlights when held to the light.

The taste is smooth, but sweet. The sweetness throws you off at first. It leaves almost a slick feeling coating on the tongue, its not bad just different. It has notes of sweet fruits, maybe plum, I’m not real sure, I only caught it for a second, because it is quickly overtaken by sweet notes of maple/maple syrup.

Overall, I would not buy this beer if I had tasted it before and I didn’t brew it. It has a few flaws as far no carbonation and the overly sweet flavor. However, I would brew it again and try to correct these flaws. So we shall see, if and when I brew it again. But in the meantime, this beer will still be drank by me and my friends. It is still a good beer and will be put to good use. So I’ll finish this one and probably another, so until next time. Prost!!

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