Yep, I have that itch. Now just take it easy, I'm not talking about some weird rash or a bad case of the crotch crickets, I'm talking about being an entrepreneur. Being a brewery owner. Now I know you are probably thinking, again. Yes, damn it, again.
It really is something I really dream about, but this time the fired got stoked because I read an article on cnn that was all about college students starting their businesses even before they are out of college. So I figured, hell if they can do it I'm sure I could with the proper preparations. Then I start scheming on start up cash, business partners, equipment, label approvals, blah, blah, blah and I quickly come back to my senses and realize I am a ways away from starting up. So then I get a little discouraged and start thinking of all of the things in my way, but then I try to make a game plan to accomplish some of the building blocks to get me closer.
I think one of my biggest stumbling blocks is I really have no idea of how to ram up production from a small 5 gallon batch of beer to say a 1000 gallon batch (and that's on the light side). I mean how do they boil the wort? Does anyone in the microbrew environment stick to all extract brewing or does everyone go all grain? Once the beer is ready are they force carbonating? If so, how do you get your hands on a large CO2 tank/company? Then a million other questions rattle through my head.
So I think to get a better idea of what brewers are doing I want to take a weekend or two and go do a couple of tours. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping that the brewing world is similar to the winemaking world where there is a lot of knowledge swapping between small brewers because we really are a big community all after the same thing. Producing quality beer!
I want to plan a trip to two or three breweries and just see what I can glean from their tours and then ask as many questions as I can I fit in. So my three breweries of choice are Ithaca Beer, Wagner, and Custom Brewcrafters. I have been to both Ithaca and Wagner, but I haven't been to Custom Brewcrafters. Ithaca has a pretty good tour, so that's my first choice because I think that they would probably be the most willing to answer my questions, plus I think the majority of their beers are all extract. Then I don't really care which one is next.
So I guess that's my plan. I'll take a day or two and maybe this weekend or next weekend and go see what I can find out. Who else is in? Anyone want to come on a road trip of beer with me???