Well, I guess if you are looking here, you must want to know a little something more about Ol' Naps. The basics are pretty simple. I'm in my 30's, a married father of one beautiful little girl who turns out to be my chief brewmaster, cellar master, head bottler and capper.
When it comes to my obsession with beer, I believe it all started with that first sip of stolen golden, malty, hoppy goodness I had when I was 12. I stole a can of my Great Aunt Gin's Black Label Ale that she kept in the cellar way. Now I know what you're thinking about Black Label, but when you're 12 and that's the first thing you taste, it tastes of gold. From that day forward I developed a healthy relationship with beer. After drinking mass quantities of beer through my teens and 20's, I got the urge to try making my own beer. I bought a kit and brewed my first pale ale 8 years ago. It wasn't the best beer, but it was MY beer and from then I was hooked. This blog was just the next step in my continuing love of beer.
Alright, that was a little rambling but if you want to know anything else, send me a message. Until then I hope you enjoy some of my meandering thoughts about beer. Prost!