So it has taken me a little bit to get back to this review because I have been crazy busy with work then coming home and taking advantage of this gorgeous weather to do some outdoor projects. So by the time I get back inside the sun has long been set and I am too exhausted to do anything other than pop a top.
But luckily for me I finished up for the night a bit early tonight to spend some QT with my two ladies. But now one of them has just been read a bed time story, given some water and put to bed and the other is relaxing in the air conditioned heaven that is our bedroom. So I am free to blog away about this beer, but first I want to show you some new swag:
Pretty standard pub glasses, but I am loving the 1 liter swingtop to buy beer in. They also had your run of the mill growlers but I was only in the mood for a liter, plus it was a sweet bottle. So on with the review.
Appearance: It was a light brown to red in color with great clarity, you can see through it in this picture. It poured a decent off white head.
Aroma: It smelled quite pleasant with very slight notes of malt, but it was more the citrus smells from the cascade hops that made the aroma so good.
Taste: At first sip it wasn’t what I expected. It was a little more malty than I would have thought, but that quickly gives way to a slight bitterness. The bitterness is short lived and the beer goes on to give a smooth finish that is very soft on the palate.
Overall: This is a decent beer, nice for hot afternoon after you just get off the mower and you sit on the deck to admire your work, you could easily make your way through a 1 liter of the Briglin Road Red. It is pleasant and smooth, but has nothing to make it stand out from the pack of other red ales. I’m not saying that it isn’t good, because it is a good beer, I’m just saying it isn’t unique and would be easily lost in the pack of other red ales on the market.
However, with that being said it was still a good beer and if you are like me and prefer to buy locally it is definitely worth stopping by the brewery or finding one of the tiny stores in Hammondsport, NY that sell it. If you are interested in checking out what else they have, here is a link to their website: Keuka Brewing Co.
Brew Big, Drink Big!!!