Appearance: Very, very dark almost black in color. When held to the light you can barely see through it and it has some red highlights. It pours a generous head with nice off-white to very light tan bubbles. Very true to style.
Aroma: Some slight chocolate notes, and a lot of dark malt with a hint of some black patent malt. Some slight coffee aromas, as well. Very little hop aroma, which is true to the style.
Taste: Very smooth on the palate. Some of the same aroma notes come through in the mouth. Like the coffee, chocolate, and darker malts come through giving it great balance. It is heavy enough but not overpowering.
Overall: This was a great representation of the Stout style. I am a big fan of dark beer and this was a great beer. Coop gave me 4 bottles and they didn’t last long. I was really impressed with this beer and he did a fantastic job. Overall it was a fantastic beer. Great job, man.
Stay tuned for the German Alt review and a trip to Keuka Brewing, but until then keep em’ tipping!
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