Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Man, sometimes you just need a beer…

I know I haven’t posted in awhile and believe me it hasn’t been due to the lack of drinking beer, its just been a crazy couple of weeks since New Year’s. I won’t bore you with all the details of the leaks and repairs that have been done. It just has been super hectic and one thing after another.

So right now I am finally catching up on some downtime. A Bird is in bed and hopefully falling asleep soon, L Bird is on the treadmill in the bedroom and I am sitting here with a great, icy cold homebrewed porter contemplating life. I know I normally post about new beers and their reviews or the good times the Goof Troop has, but tonight I wanted to take a time out and talk about one of beer’s other great features: Stress Reliever.

It seems like I can have an awful day, week or month for that matter, but the minute I get some down time and a cold beer in my hand everything seems better. There is just something about sitting quietly with a beer and letting your worries roll away as you enjoy the malt and hops of that beer in your hand. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should try to drink your problems away and drown your sorrows. That type of drinking just leads to more problems. What I mean is that beer has always been associated with my quiet time, I enjoy pouring a nice beer and sitting down on the deck in the summer or by the fire in the winter and just letting my thoughts wander. Its just sitting back, tasting and appreciating what you have in your hands and being grateful for the simple things in life. A warm dry place to sit, a cold beer and nothing but your thoughts. Hell, maybe its not the beer that helps with the stress, maybe it’s just the quiet time to sit and contemplate life. What the hell am I saying, that quiet time is good, but the beer makes it great lol.

Well, it’s definitely been a rough patch for a bit, so I’m going to put down the laptop, return to my porter and just enjoy my silent moments for awhile.

Wabi Sabi – Look it up

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