Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Great Idea…

Around me there are not a lot of stores that sell a lot of craft beer, and the ones that do have a selection of craft beer tend to sell them in 6 packs. So to try anything you have to at least buy a 6 pack, if you don’t like it then you’re stuck. You either have to choke it down because you paid for it or stash it in the bottom of the fridge until you have someone over that you can pass it off on. My motto is “There is no such thing as bad beer, only better beer!” so I end up drinking them slowly over time. I myself prefer to make mix ‘n match 6-pack/12 packs, but to do that I have to drive at least 40 miles to Beers of The World. That trip is  way too much of a hassle to make routinely unless it is for a special occasion. So I try to find 6 packs that I have a good feeling that I’ll like and I leave anything that I would like to try but seems too unusual at the store.

In the past year, Wegmans has made a big push into the craft market and now has a rather impressive craft beer section. So yesterday as I was strolling through the craft section I was completely stoked to stumble across this:


Its an awesome idea and I’m glad they are doing it. You can “Craft Your Own Pack” for $9.99. Now from their selection of single bottle this may be a little steep, but I figure I’m also paying an extra buck or two for the convenience of selecting my own beers. So now the next time I go out for a beer review selection, I’ll be able to take a few more chances on beers I normally wouldn’t buy.

Awesome job Wegman’s!! Way to keep the craft movement going!

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