Saturday, February 26, 2011

Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout


So last week L Bird was running out to Wegmans to do some shopping. On her way out she made the mistake of asking me “Do you want anything?” to which I replied “Yeah, of course I do! Grab me a beer to review”. After some discussion back and forth she agreed and was on her way.

Now in the back of my head this whole thing of her picking out a beer was a crapshoot. She doesn’t spend the time looking at the selections, or who made what, etc, she just kind of grabs something blindly and brings it back. Well, I’m happy to say that her selection was a great one.

So let’s go on with the review:

Appearance: It is very black and you can’t see through it even when you hold it up to the light. It pours nicely producing a light tan rocky head.

Aroma: I initially get a lot of coffee notes, but its not the typical coffee aroma. Its more like a burnt, or dark roast coffee almost to an expresso type of aroma. But that finally gives way to some slight flowery notes from the hops.

Taste: I was pleasantly surprised with the initial taste.It was sweet tasting with some bready like qualities. I was expecting to taste some bitterness and chocolate right up front, but was happy with the sweeter notes. The sweetness then gives way to more coffee flavors and then ends with a bitterness reminiscent of dark chocolate. The mouthfeel of the whole beer was awesome, the oatmeal provides the stout with a creamy, silky mouthfeel.

Overall: This is a great example of an Oatmeal Stout from a great brewery. I would recommend this beer to anyone who appreciates dark beer. It is definitely worth the money and worth picking up a bottle or two. So run out and grab a couple and enjoy.

Keep ‘em Tippin’

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